Sunday, August 10, 2008

8/8/08 was spent at Fox Hollow Golf Course Club House Patio.
Yours truly is not in the ANY of the photos because I was behind the camera.

Everybody has to get signed in and get their nametag!

Lori Siskel and Rhonda Knard saw to that!

My dear old friend, Kayellen Daily, has a little chicken while we talked of old times.

Yvonne Shreck Liverant talks with Corrie Gilmore.

Everybody is asking each other FAQ's. How have you been and what do you do now?

Kayellen chats with Kim Gammil Davis and her husband Mark.

Uh-oh! It's going to rain. I heard the thunder and saw some lightning!

Jana Williamson Todd poses with another old classmate.

Jana's husband, Dale Todd with Joe Martin.

Julie Williams chats with Janet Dwyer while Kayellen chats with Corrie.

Lon Brehmer gives me a smile!

Jill McFarland chats with Kayellen and Corrie.

Doug Dinsmoor talks with Barry Janelle and EJ Boillot.

John Stitka poses with Barry. Okay, okay! There's my shadow!

John Maslanik chats with another classmate.

Julie Williams, Lee Monson, Ron Barron and Mike Fay.

Steve Mueller joins the party!

Janet Dwyer talks with Dana Weddell.

Lynette Thomas and Debbie Orndoff dine with another classmate whose name I can't remember. Readers?

EJ and Doug

Raul Alderete and friend Cindy Beeks

Gale Shelley

Paula McNutt and Yvonne

EJ and Kerry McCoy and another classmate.

Steve gives me a smile!

It's been quite an evening.

It's starting to get late.

Lynette, Debbie and ?

One more, said Lynette. She blinked.